2013.12.29: DSLR Star Party
Post date: Dec 22, 2013 12:33:58 PM
The event was a great success with many people turning up with their own DSLRs and taking some amazing images.
David Winder
David used the NE6Pro tracking mount to capture these awesome images.
These were all captured using 10 exposures of 30 seconds at ISO 800. Lens was f/2.8 at 190mm.
Clockwise from top left: Andromeda Galaxy; Orion's belt showing the Great Orion Nebula, Flame Nebula and Horsehead Nebula and finally the Pleiades Cluster.
The images were post-processed using deepskystacker and pixinsight by our resident post-processeing expert Kayron Mercieca. Click here to see how he performs this magic.
Steven Gross
Steven was with us during our morning out to try and see ISON. Glad he returned to take this stunning image of Orion's belt.
We would like to thank everyone who turned up and made it such a great night.
To all of you with DSLR cameras, or even simple point and shoots, the GAS would like to invite you to have the opportunity to shoot for the stars, literally. Ever seen some of those amazing photographs, well here's your chance to try and get one, using a proper astrophotographical tracking mount and be coached by the GAS's own astrophotographer. Send in your pictures for a chance to win a prize.
Have you ever wanted to take a picture like this? It may surprise you that this image was taken with a Canon EOS 7D. Five exposures of 120 seconds each. Lens 70-200L Mk II at 200 mm, f/2.8. Come and take images that you will be proud of.
Evenings of Sunday 29th December 2013, weather permitting. Check our Facebook page, Twitter feed or right here for updates.
Europa Point, at the bottom (by main entrance to Gibraltar Rifle Association).